The future of entrepreneurs Passed
Tuesday October 24, 2017 14:35 - 14:55 Main Stage
Speakers: Frida Monsén, Niklas Jungegård
Panelists: Fredrik Wetterhall, Jannie Jeppesen, Jeremias Andersson
Theme: The future of education
The Edtech market is one of the world's fastest growing markets. And Sweden is at the forefront of entrepreneurship, innovation and technology. What is the status of the Swedish edtech scene?
Meet Jannie Jeppesen, founder and CEO of Swedish Edtech Industry and Jeremias Andersson, investor, Fredrik Wetterhall, CEO of Lexplore. Frida Monsén, founder of Blixtjakten and Niklas Jungegard, CEO and co-founder of Squore
Now that a year has passed, what are their experiences and where are they now?
Frida Monsén Speaker
Blixtjakten/Lightning hunt
Co-founder & CEO of Lightning hunt that is a gamified EdTech solution to improve the learning process by developing focus & social skills. A Runkeeper for learning.
Niklas Jungegård Speaker
CEO & co-founder
Sprung from insights into what motivates the millennial generation and the belief that all people possess the “X factor” if in the right environment, Sqore is a recruitment platform that incorporates the basic ideas of gamification into the sourcing and skills-assessment process.
The Sqore solution combines multi-channel marketing with engaging skills- and knowledge-focused challenges, giving you a unique way to both reach candidates and assess whether they have what it takes to join your team.