Orb DB - Autocompleting Knowledge Responsibly Utställare
The Orb DB project adds predictive AI query capabilities to graph data with built-in confidence guarantees to deal with the demands of critical sectors such as healthcare, telecommunications, and urban planning. By integrating traditional query execution with AI-driven approximation and uncertainty estimation, Orb DB empowers users to make data-driven predictions while explicitly setting acceptable error thresholds. We have made significant progress with our Orb DB prototype, which functions as a plug-in data system that unlocks predictive capabilities on top of leading graph database management platforms. This prototype, set for release in early 2025, has already attracted interest from key industry players, having the potential to address challenges in areas ranging from risk analysis to resource management and sustainable urban development. Our next steps will focus on validating the solution, guaranteeing it meets the demands of real-world applications.Kategori:
Deep tech
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Digitalisering och AI
Sonia Horchidan ForskningsprojektUtställare
Orb DB - Autocompleting Knowledge Responsibly