Impact Labs – Samskapa Framtidens Entreprenörskap Har passerat
Onsdag 2 oktober 2024 09:00 - 09:30 CEST Palmsalen
Föreläsare: Jacob Rudbäck
Talare: Deqa Abukar, Linnéa Kornehed Falck
Jacob Rudbäck Föreläsare
Founder and CEO
Jacob is the Founder and CEO of Yepstr, and with nearly 10 000 on the payroll 2024 Yepstr Group is Sweden’s largest employer of young people aged 15-24 y/o. The Yepstr Group is also the largest babysitting provider in Sweden. The company is built on the vision of supporting young people to attain the career skills they need, to build the life they want. Yepstr does this by providing affordable household services (e.g. babysitting), meaning jobs to our young and help to the many. Local. Simple. By the Book. Before starting Yepstr, Jacob was a consultant for The Boston Consulting Group as well as part of the founding team of Livehire, a digital talent pool that listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Deqa Abukar Talare
Entreprenör och grundare
Deqa Abukar är entreprenör och grundare av BLING. BLING arbetar med att tillhandahålla verktyg för att stärka och stödja underrepresenterade entreprenörer för att minska deras kunskaps-, nätverks- och kapitalgap. För sitt arbete har hon blivit uppmärksammad i Forbes 30 under 30 och utsetts till Årets Selma och är även vinnare av Svenska Stora Journalistpriset. Under 2022 grundade Deqa Abukar riskkapitalfonden BLING Capital med målet att överbrygga gapet i investeringsvärlden och hitta entreprenörer där ingen annan letar.
Linnéa Kornehed Falck Talare
VD, grundare och styrelseledamot
As Deputy CEO, Founder and a member of the board, Linnéa Kornehed Falck has taken Einride from a small startup to a household name in digital, electric, and autonomous transportation, with Fortune 500 companies as customers and attracting worldwide media attention. Linnéa is a member of the World Economic Forum's tech innovators community, a Forbes’ 30 Under 30 All-Star Alumni, and has been awarded the Les Margaret Award and Future Female Leader for her innovative vision and leadership. Before starting Einride, she worked in product development and was an IT consultant for several startups.