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PrimeKey Product Portfolio Passed

Wednesday September 16, 2020 16:25 - 16:34

Speaker: Martin Oczko

Category: Seminars


Profile image for Martin Oczko

Martin Oczko Speaker

VP Products

Martin Oczko holds a diploma/MSc title in Computer Science and has over 15 years experience in IT security. He has been working in different technical and sales positions for globally acting IT security software and hardware vendors before joining PrimeKey in 2012. Since then Martin was responsible for the product management, development and production of PrimeKey’s hardware based products like the PKI Appliance and SEE. Martin is currently responsible for PrimeKey’s product portfolio and product strategy as well as the operations of PrimeKey Labs in Aachen, Germany.

"With a wide area of expertise and a highly motivated team, PrimeKey has an enormous innovation force."