Profile image for PARALLEL SESSION 5


Thursday February 11, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 PARALLELS

Presenters: Beate Sjåfjell, Giulia Testa, Louis Kotzé, Sarah Cornell

Parallel session 5: Social justice, sustainability and the SDGs: What role for economic growth?


Is infinite economic growth in all countries, qualified by adjectives such as ‘sustainable’ and ‘inclusive’ (SDG 8), one of the ‘bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path’ (SDGs, preamble)? Or is it a distraction away from the fundamental questions of transformation and redistribution necessary for achieving a safe and just world for humanity (Leach, Raworth and Rockström, 2013)?

            The Human Development Report, originally a reaction to the limiting monetary approach of measuring countries’ success through Gross Domestic Product (GDP), has come under criticism of not engaging with the ecological limits of our planet (see e.g. Hickel, 2020). In 2020, a new version of the report has come out where it for the first time engages with the natural world, leading to a degrading of countries like Norway, while no countries occupy the space for states that are successful both in terms of environmental protection and human development. What role is there then for economic growth in the further discussion of how to achieve a sustainable future?  What will the transition to sustainability require of us as global humanity? And is there an ‘us’ or are we – as scientists and scholars in the privileged and so unsustainable part of the world – defining yet again what is the way forward for everyone?

Key questions

  1. How can we, in a globally inclusive way, best mobilize knowledge and research about complex and intersecting inequalities?
  2. Which critical re-thinking and re-formulation of the SDGs needs to be undertaken in order to understand and tackle changing forms of inequality post-COVID-19?
  3. Reflecting the discussions in this session, what are the three most important recommendations for policy development and reform addressing global post-COVID-19 inequalities? 

Programme and participants:

13:00-13:10    Welcome

Beate Sjåfjell, University of Oslo

13:10-13:30    ‘Social justice in a post-pandemic world with (still) decreasing natural resources’

Associate Professor, Dr Sarah Cornell, Stockholm Resilience Centre

13:30-13:40    ‘Vulnerability and resilience’

Professor Louis Kotzé, Faculty of Law, North-West University, South Africa

13:40-14:30:   Discussion

14:20-14:30    Concluding reflections

14:30               End of session

Session organizer and resource persons  

Moderator/session organizer: Beate Sjåfjell, University of Oslo

Discussant: Giulia Testa, ERASMUS exchange student at University of Bergen


Profile image for Beate Sjåfjell

Beate Sjåfjell Presenter

University of Oslo; Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

I am a legal scholar by education while my work has over the years become increasingly interdisciplinary, integrating sustainability science into my business law research. I am dedicated to finding out how to ensure that business contributes to a safe and just space for humanity within planetary boundaries.

Profile image for Giulia Testa

Giulia Testa Presenter

Student (rapporteur)

I am an Italian master's student in Environmental Law and Policy at the University of Eastern Finland, currently at UiB as an exchange student to complete my minor in Natural Resources Governance. My fields of interest are biodiversity and ecological restoration, and I am active in youth environmental organizations, such as the Nordic and the European chapters of the Global Youth for Biodiversity Network.

Profile image for Louis Kotzé

Louis Kotzé Presenter

North-west University

Sarah Cornell Presenter