Profile image for The Inequality of Politics: Why Democratic Representation Malfunctions

The Inequality of Politics: Why Democratic Representation Malfunctions Passed

Wednesday February 10, 2021 15:30 - 17:00 DAY ZERO

Presenter: Yvette Peters

Contact person: Yvette Peters, Department of Comparative Politics, UiB

Type of event: Digital event ONLY

This panel deals with some of the most pressing issues facing democracies today: political inequality and insufficient representation. We explore the state of representative democracy by looking at citizen-state relations. More specifically, we explore key questions on representation and political equality (do people get what they want equally?).

Because political equality is a fundamental condition for the existence of democracy, and representation structures the way democracies function, these questions are vital.

Panel members are involved in high-quality research dealing with political inequality from different angles, ranging from affluence biases in Norway and beyond, to an undermining of the young in climate issues, evidence that easier access to politics through the internet does not eradicate inequality, and the discovery of some of the drivers of political inequality in democracies--and with that, some careful suggestions for solving this problem.

This event is relevant for:
- SDG 5: Gender Equality
- SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
- SDG 13: Climate Action


Profile image for Yvette Peters

Yvette Peters Presenter

Research Professor
University Of Bergen