Header image for Sweden at Web Summit 2022
Profile image for Centiglobe Technologies

Centiglobe Technologies Exhibitor

International transfers and currency exchanges typically include several costly and time-consuming layers of intermediaries, which results in transfer times of multiple days, high costs, and risk exposure.

The Centiglobe platform offers a single infrastructure that delivers frictionless instant payments in a multi-currency environment. Instead of using a constellation of technologies, the Centiglobe platform offers a decentralized, global solution that eliminates the need of the many intermediaries and that gives banks, financial institutions and businesses the possibility to send and receive payments globally. This removes the need of prefunded accounts and correspondent banking networks.

Contact information




Linnégatan 2

11447 Stockholm




Profile image for Isak Nyberg

Isak Nyberg Exhibitor

Partnership Manager
Centiglobe Technologies

Mikael Linell Exhibitor

Chief Commercial Officer
Centiglobe Technologies