Analgesic testing. Some principles and practice Har passerat
Fredag 28 oktober 2022 13:45 - 14:05 Hästsymposium
Föreläsare: Pia Haubro Andersen
Block: Häst
Pia Haubro Andersen Föreläsare
DVM, PhD, DVSci, Professor emer, Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. I graduated from University of Copenhagen and have served as Professor of Large Animal Surgery in Denmark and in Sweden. For the last decade I worked with development of systems for pain recognition, and increasingly turned towards the welfare aspects of recognition of early signs of disease, especially within equine orthopedics, together with Drs. Marie Rhodin and Elin Hernlund. Our research group comprise a number of PhD students, of whom you today will meet Drs. Johan Lundblad and Katrina Ask.