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Lightning talks on successful use of gamification in apps Passed

Wednesday December 5, 2018 13:15 - 14:15 Room T3

Speakers: Anders Tufvesson, Kristina Isaksson
Workshop facilitators: Linus Lundberg, Niclas Rasmusson, Stefan Hallberg

Category: Break-out sessions | 13.15-14.15

In this session you will meet founders behind successful use of gamification in apps related to learning and organisational development.

Stefan Hallberg & Niclas Rasmusson, Bisevo

Linus Lundberg, Active quiz

The motivation system in Dream Big

How motivation and gamification is a part of Dream Big. The Skanska project for the future platform for their business and management system.

Anders Tufvesson, CEO and Digital Advisor at Motification. 

Kristina Isaksson Comercial Manager FSE 105, Kungens kurva, SKANSKA | Sverige AB


Profile image for Anders Tufvesson

Anders Tufvesson SpeakerExhibitor

CEO and Digital Advisor

Anders Tufvesson has worked with internet solutions since 1995. The last 8 years with gamificaton and motivation. The company Motification combines motivation theory with gamification. Motification is a part of Combined Excellence, a group of 11 companies with cutting-edge knowledge in the IT world.

Profile image for Kristina Isaksson

Kristina Isaksson Speaker

Commercial Manager Skanska

Kristina Isaksson works as a Commercial Manager at Skanska in the project “Kungens kurva”, one of the stages in “Förbifart Stockholm”. She is also the manager of a project team who evaluates a digital platform that connects time management, cost and 3D modelling. And she has also been a member of the group that evaluates the products in Skanska’s initiative Dream Big.

Profile image for Linus Lundberg

Linus Lundberg Workshop facilitatorExhibitor

Founder & CEO
Active quiz

Profile image for Niclas Rasmusson

Niclas Rasmusson Workshop facilitatorExhibitor


Profile image for Stefan Hallberg

Stefan Hallberg Workshop facilitatorExhibitor
