IEQ in the EPBD – How to set national requirements in line with revised EPBD?
Prof.Jarek Kurnitski
Torsdag 25 april 2024 12:20 - 12:40
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Revised EPBD is making an effort to cover indoor environmental quality (IEQ) both in renovation and new buildings. While setting the minimum requirements are on the responsibility of Member States, in many places EPBD requires to do so. There is a focus change especially in renovation to move from avoiding possible negative effects to optimal indoor environmental quality. In new buildings an optimal indoor environmental quality is stressed as enabling measure for good energy performance. Perhaps the most important new requirement is to equip non-residential zero-emission buildings with measuring and control devices for the regulation of indoor air quality at relevant unit level. This and other requirements having direct implications to construction in coming years will be explained in detail in the presentation.
Challenges of Demand-Controlled Ventilation
Prof.Risto Kosonen
Torsdag 25 april 2024 12:40 - 13:00
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
To maintain proper indoor air quality and increase energy efficiency, a demand control ventilation (DCV) system has become a popular solution. While DCV systems offer benefits over constant air volume (CAV) systems, their technique is more complex than used in CAV systems. To guarantee the proper operation of DCV system, attention needs to be paid to check the performance of systems.The results of the carried out study show that only one DCV system performs according to design values in eight public buildings. In all the others, either the airflows were wrong or there was technical fault. However, the indoor air temperatures were within design target values in each space and no complaints about IAQ or thermal comfort were reported by the users.
Interview with Keynote Speakers of RoomVent: Professor Jarek Kumitski and Professor Chandra Sekhar
Torsdag 25 april 2024 13:00 - 13:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Läs mer om Dr Paula Olsiewski här Keynote Speakers | ROOMVENT 2024 – APRIL 22-25 IN STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (
Säkerhetsparken på Nordbygg med ett fullspäckat schema / The Construction Industry’s Safety Park premières at Nordbygg
Fredag 26 april 2024 09:00 - 16:00
Scenprogram, Utställares aktiviteter, Nordbygg International, Säkerhetsparken
Säkerhetsparken som gjort sig känt som en mötesplats för utbildningar, möten och erfarenhetsutbyten inom arbetsmiljö, hälsa och säkerhet i byggbranschen, kommer för första gången stå som värdar för ett helt eget område på Nordbygg. /
The Safety Park, which has made itself known as a meeting place for training courses, meetings and exchanges of experiences within working environment, health and safety in the construction industry, will for the first time be hosting a whole area of their own at Nordbygg. Klicka på mer information för att se monteraktiviteterna.
Säkerhetsparken finner ni i monter B13:10
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