Ecophon and Surface Club unveil their collaboration to upcycle reused panels Har passerat
Torsdag 25 april 2024 13:00 - 13:25
Talare: Markus Beckman, Victor Isaksson Pirtti
Kategori: Scenprogram
Ecophon and Surface Club unveil the refurbished acoustic panels at Byggmaterialscenen, where the stage is built made of reused Focus™ A panels with a coating wrapped in copper, iron ore, old wine corks, leather offcuts, among other things.
To salvage reused panels from demolition projects is a part of SoundCircularity, Ecophons circular business model. The coating is a perfect complement when a reused panel doesn’t live up to the selection and screening program – but is too good for recycling. Surface Club is a creative office designing material-driven solutions for new environmental agendas.
Markus Beckman TalareUtställare
SIS Svenska Institutet för Standarder
Victor Isaksson Pirtti TalareUtställare
Surface Club AB