Profile image for Benchmark Holdings plc

Benchmark Holdings plc Gold Sponsor

Benchmark is a market leading aquaculture biotechnology company. Benchmark's mission is to drive sustainability in aquaculture by delivering products and solutions in genetics, advanced nutrition and health which improve yield, growth and animal health and welfare.

Through a global footprint in 26 countries and a broad portfolio of products and solutions, Benchmark addresses the major aquaculture species - salmon, shrimp, sea bass and bream, and tilapia, in all the aquaculture regions around the world. Find out more at

Contact information


Bradbenken 1

5003 Bergen



Profile image for Julia Kutsyba

Julia Kutsyba Gold Sponsor

Benchmark Holdings plc

Rachel Aninakwah Gold Sponsor

Group Marketing and Communications Manager
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Andrew Preston

Andrew Preston Gold Sponsor

Global RAS Technical Manager
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Ben Perry

Ben Perry Gold Sponsor

Sales and Technical Manager UK and North America
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Harry Tziouvas

Harry Tziouvas Gold Sponsor

Global Sales Manager, Salmon
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Jeanette Wie

Jeanette Wie Gold Sponsor

Marketing Manager
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for John Marshall

John Marshall SpeakerGold Sponsor

Head of Animal Health
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Oscar Hennig

Oscar Hennig SpeakerGold Sponsor

Operations Director
Benchmark Holdings plc

Profile image for Trond Williksen

Trond Williksen SpeakerGold Sponsor

Benchmark Holdings plc