Header image for Pareto Securities' 23rd Annual Power & Renewable Energy Conference
Profile image for Pyrum Innovations

Pyrum Innovations Exhibitor

The Pyrum Innovations Group is specialized in the invention, engineering, development, construction and operation of self-developed recycling technologies. The use for this technology was initially limited to the recycling of used tyres and has been expanded over the years to some plastic wastes, Carbon fibre reinforced plastics, bitumen, and some other complicated wastes. Today Pyrum operates one of the most modern tire pyrolysis plants in Europe which recycles 2,500 to 3,000 tires per day in Dillingen, Germany.
Type of industry

WtE & Recycling


Pyrum Innovations

Thursday January 21, 2021 13:35 - 13:55 CET Stream 1

Contact information


+49 6831 959 48 0
