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Swedish finance in Egypt Passed

Wednesday November 9, 2022 15:00 - 15:40 EET Digital

Sponsor: Embassy of Sweden Cairo

To facilitate and promote exports and the internationalisation and competitiveness of Swedish industry, Sweden offers a government backed export credit system.

The combined offer facilitates the financing of transactions with Swedish exporting companies and has strong benefits for all parties involved. EKN, The Swedish Export Credit Agency, offers guarantees for payments and financing in export transactions. The guarantees give international buyers attractive financing terms, while lowering the risk for Swedish exporting companies and commercial banks. SEK, The Swedish Export Credit Corporation, provides long term funding for Swedish export related transactions. Enjoying a high credit rating, SEK can offer favorable loans to facilitate export deals.

Egypt is currently undertaking a number of important large-scale investments to support sustainable economic development, including in the areas of energy, water, transport, rural development, smart cities etc

Dr Jihan Saleh will be commenting on the presentations and offer a perspective on the scope for Egyptian investments.