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A just transition grounded in human rights: The role of businesses Passed

Tuesday November 8, 2022 13:20 - 14:40 EET Digital

Sponsor: Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


  • Victor Bernard, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Expected speakers: 

  • Maria Simonson, Head of Sustainability, SEK
  • Christina Friborg, Executive Vice President and Head of Sustainability, SSAB
  • Eija Hietavuo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak
  • Haley St. Dennis, Head of Just Transition, IHRB
  • Yoko Lu, Country Contact Point & Regional Contact Point, YOUNGO

The effects of climate change that scientists had long predicted are now becoming a reality, such as accelerated sea level rise, increasing incidence and intensity of disasters and extreme weather events, biodiversity loss and desertification. These threats risk destroying the natural systems and environmental services that 1.2 billion jobs are reportedly dependent on, if urgent action to transition away from carbon intensive production and consumption is not taken to keep average global temperature rise below 1.5°C. In addition, these impacts will have profound implications on human rights, particularly those of the most vulnerable and future generations. 

Businesses play a central role to not only support the transition to a low or zero-carbon economy by reducing their own carbon footprint, but also to ensure that such transition is “just”, equitable and inclusive. This means that businesses should assess and address human rights implications when they plan and implement actions and strategies to address climate change. In this regard, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the EU Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, related EU initiatives such as the Minimum Safeguards under the Taxonomy Regulation can guide businesses and financial actors in embarking on a transition that is truly just and based on human rights.  

The just transition is an increasingly prominent framing for government and business action on climate change. It encompasses both public policies and business action to deal with the impacts of industries moving away from fossil fuels on jobs and livelihoods (the transition “out”) and measures to generate the low or zero greenhouse gas emission jobs and livelihoods of a sustainable society (the transition “in”). In the climate field, just transition can be understood as an expression of concern for climate justice, which addresses the moral and legal implications of vulnerability to climate change.


This session will explore:

  • How Swedish businesses are taking concrete action to achieve a just transition in Sweden and abroad, including the opportunities and challenges they are facing in the current political and socioeconomic landscape.
  • The extent to which businesses have used business and human rights frameworks to achieve a just transition.
  • How businesses have engaged with governments and communities to accelerate a just transition using a multi-stakeholder approach.
  • The next steps to enhance a just transition agenda that is grounded in human rights, and ensure that it becomes part and parcel of businesses’ strategies and practices worldwide.