Learning is no event, but a constant process! Passed
Tuesday October 16, 2018 10:30 - 11:15 Workshop Room T6
Workshop leader: Matti Olofsson
Block: Break-out sessions | Tuesday 16 October 10.30-11.15
How do we avoid that skills development becomes an educational event once a year and how do we create a behavioral change learning process all year long? And how do you measure the effect and outcome of a training effort?
Hear Junglemap dive into important learning strategies to get lasting learning processes and measurable behavioral changes in today's digitized society. Learn how organizations can find time for skills development in a fragmented working day where digitization constantly challenges our working methods.
Junglemap invented the term ”nanolearning” (bite-sized learning) in 2006 and have been active in Sweden since 2015. Today nearly a million swedes people have experienced a nanolearning education where behavioral changes become visible and measurable.