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Learn the essential skills to grow as a human being and as a team Passed

Monday October 15, 2018 14:00 - 14:45 Workshop Room T6

Workshop leaders: Gabriella Grusell, Caroline Sahlborn

Block: Break-out sessions | Monday 15 October 14.00-14.45

There is a lot of buzz about the acronym VUCA as a way of describing a fast-changing and a more unpredictable world. VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity och ambiguity, but what does it mean in practice?

Welcome to an interactive workshop were we discuss how the VUCA world has affected us and how we can develop and grow with "superskills" for the 21st century. 
Caroline Stiernstedt Sahlborn, Chairman at Ekskäret Foundation, works with assisting leaders and organizations for improved leadership and increased responsibility with abilities for co-creation and managing change. She has strategic and operational management experience from private, public and non- governmental organizations with expert knowledge within change management and process design. Caroline has created, led and implemented various learning processes, leadership programs, conferences and workshops both in Sweden and internationally. 

Gabriella Grusell, psychologist and specialist in team effectiveness. Her vision is to make workplaces and organizations function as a greenhouse for human development in a way that strengthen both the individual and organization. 


Gabriella Grusell Workshop leader

Lighthouse Stockholm

Caroline Sahlborn Workshop leader

Ekskäret Foundation