Maersk Drilling Exhibitor
Type of industry
Oil Services
Maersk Drilling is an offshore drilling company with a global and diverse fleet consisting of high-end jackups and floaters. The company has a history that can be traced back to 1962 and was previously part of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S before it was spun off and listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen in April 2019. Maersk Drilling is headquartered outside of Copenhagen, Denmark.The company has a relatively good contract coverage for its quality fleet, which consists of jackups, semi-submersibles and drillships. The company’s jackup fleet is mainly focused towards the harsh environment market and several of its units are NSC capable. However, it also has one unit which is operating in SE Asia. The company’s floating drilling rigs are not harsh environment capable and are marketed internationally in benign waters. One of the company’s semi’s is operating in the land locked market in the Caspian Sea. Overall, the company has very few legacy assets and therefore also a lower degree of uncertainty tied to reactivation risk and scrapping going forward.
Maersk Drilling
Thursday September 17, 2020 08:50 - 09:10 CEST Stream 2
Contact information
+45 63 36 00 00
Lyngby Hovedgade 85
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Jørn Madsen SpeakerExhibitor
Maersk Drilling
Andreas Escherich Holkjær Exhibitor
Maersk Drilling
Michael Harboe-Jørgensen Exhibitor
Maersk Drilling