DNV GL Exhibitor
Type of industry
DNV GL is a global independent expert in risk management and quality assurance. The company has roots back to 1864 from the Norwegian maritime industries and has since expanded its offering to other industries through organic growth, alliances and M&A. DNV GL is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and serves ~100,000 customers from more than 100 countries with offices across the world. The company is wholly owned by the Foundation Det Norske Veritas.DNV GL is structure into five business areas; Maritime, Oil & Gas, Energy, Business Assurance and Digital Solutions. The main services provided are enhancement of safety, efficiency and sustainability through advisory, testing, classification, certification, verification and digital solutions.
DNV GL - Offshore Wind Market
Wednesday September 16, 2020 12:30 - 12:50 CEST Stream 2
Contact information
Ditlev Engel SpeakerExhibitor
CEO DNV GL - Energy