KIWI Healthcare Har passerat
Tisdag 18 maj 2021 13:00 - 13:15 3. Live (English)
Föreläsare: Henrique Martins
Spår: Framtidens omsorg och vård
In order to ensure the best response to the aspirations and raising challenges of Digital Healthcare Systems, new organizations are needed that differ in how they interpret data, information, knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.
KIWI hospitals of the future are those that combine four elements in an equilibrium. They need to be Knowledgeable, Intelligent, Wise and Interoperable. These four elements must be present in all processes of the hospital:
Knowledgeable - Hospitals will need to increasingly operate and require the highest degrees of science and technology (from the simplest ones to complex genomics, and other “omics”, research outcomes) combined with practical expertise which is still required. The use of Clinical Decision Support tools as well as extensive clinical pathways structuring of services will be paramount. These elements make up their knowledgeability.
Intelligent - Usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in basic medicine procedures, but also in so called Intelligent Hospital Management. Taking into account liability issues, as well as the development of Natural Intelligence (HR capacity).
Wise - Only people can be wise. Wisdom is still a human prerogative yet trust and ethics are needed at the “deeper and transversal levels” of the organization. Trust and Digital Ethics reinforcing structures and processes will need to become their core competencies, as technical and scientific potential to do harm or “bad” is immensely increasing.
Interoperable - A term often associated with information technology (IT). While IT interoperability, standards use, and Big Data spaces for exploiting the value of secondary and tertiary data use remain necessary and difficult. Interprofessional teams and inter-organizational Virtual Competence Centers are key features of KIWI hospitals in their struggle to inter-operate healthcare inside and out.
This session will outline this framework, suggesting how this can be useful as a new maturity model for Hospitals as well as any other Healthcare Organization. This is also proposed as a better way to think of strategic use of Digital Health tools and the necessary investment in organizations. MORE on the concept at: https://www.henriquemartins.eu/new-concepts
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Patient centration
Law, Judicial procedures
Henrique Martins Föreläsare