An agile and cost-effective way to combine patient data from different systems Har passerat
Tisdag 18 maj 2021 14:10 - 14:20 2. Live
Utställare: Tieto Sweden AB
Föreläsare: Johannes Salminen
Spår: Teknik
Fragmentation is a common challenge for healthcare services and healthcare information systems. When there are multiple service providers, data processing is also fragmented. Different areas may use dozens of different systems, and communication across systems is limited. Caring for the population is made difficult when the care personnel must use many siloed systems to obtain a comprehensive picture.
HUS has tackled the problem with a solution developed together with TietoEVRY. It entails moving the data from disparate systems to a cloud-based data lake system. The data is then available through one single application, 360° Patient. The solution provides a holistic view for healthcare professionals to see patients' data and care history from various systems. Modern application offers fast search functionality, harmonized patient view and comprehensive tools to filter patient data.
HUS is the largest healthcare unit in Finland with almost 27 000 employees providing specialized care for more than 3 million citizens in four healthcare districts. Consequently, an enormous amount of data is generated, and the HUS Data Lake is the largest healthcare data platform in Finland. It contains about 800 million laboratory tests and one million imaging opinions, for instance.
Cutting-edge health and medical technology
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals
Actual examples (good/bad)
Patient centration
Patient safety
Johannes Salminen Föreläsare
Development Manager
Helsinki University Hospital
Johannes Salminen works as development manager in the IT management of Helsinki University Hospital and as director of the patient information system services area. Johannes has been involved in the development and maintenance of patient information systems for 15 years. Johannes also has experience in managing demanding projects. Earlier, Johannes worked in clinical side at the emergency care area and also worked in a private travel emergency repatriation service. Johannes has a master's degree in health care development and management.