Digital collection of paediatric patient reported outcomes and experiences of healthcare Har passerat
Onsdag 19 maj 2021 13:15 - 13:35 4. Live
Föreläsare: John Chaplin, Peter Adolfsson
Spår: Framtidens omsorg och vård
Video consultations, medical data collected via smartphones, wearable devices, remote monitoring tools, and digital therapeutics, are emerging technologies that have seen unexpected increase in growth in healthcare over the past 18 months. Digital technologies are being applied across all areas of health and wellness and contributing to the mutual communication between healthcare professionals and children in care building a mutual therapeutic partnership. This is true in paediatric case as well as elsewhere. However, in paediatric care the introduction of these technologies may prove particularly useful in populations where communication or understanding are limited.
The Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement System (PROMIS) is transforming the way individuals manage their health and interact with their healthcare providers. Computer Adapted Testing (CAT) has been developed to the side of healthcare and has in the past struggled to be implemented widely. However, the past 18 months has seen a sweeping aside of prejudices and doubts and witnessed a willingness to embrace and test remote health data collection systems within the care continuum in order to improve access and outcomes. We are on the threshold of greater integration of virtual health in mainstream care. In this presentation I will explore some of the innovations leading towards greater health equality in paediatric patient care through technology and the opportunities it offers for further development.
In this symposium we will look at understanding the child patient experience through different electronic modalities.
Participants will:
- Become familiar with the latest innovations,
- Learn about the tools and technologies that will engage individuals in their health and wellness,
- Learn how to enable a person centred care approach
- Gain insight into the challenges that must be overcome in order to achieve widespread adoption of virtual health in paediatric care
Future Health and Social Care
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR
Healthcare professionals
Patient/user organizations
Patient centration
John Chaplin Föreläsare
Assoc. Professor
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
John Chaplin is an Assoc. Professor, psychologist working with development of computer adapted systems for the measurement of patient reported outcomes and patient experience. Member of the Steering Committee of Patient Reported Outcome Measurement System (PROMIS) and the Swedish representative of PROMIS. Closely working on the validation of PROMIS measures for use in Quality Registries and healthcare in Sweden. Chair of the International Committee for the translation and implementation of PROMIS. He recently orgainsed a seminar on Computer Adapted Testing of children at the 2020 International Conferenece on Quality of Life.
Peter Adolfsson Föreläsare
Region Halland
Peter Adolfsson arbetar som barnöverläkare vid Region Hallands sjukhus Kungsbacka och är huvudansvarig för diabetesvården för barn och ungdomar inom samma region. Peter är också knuten till såväl Göteborgs som Örebro Universitet och bedriver i huvudsak forskning inom områdena "idrott och diabetes" samt "teknik och diabetes". Peter är en av de huvudansvariga för nationella kurser avseende insulinpumpar och teknik som används inom diabetesvården. Under detta seminarium kommer han att redovisa resultat och erfarenheter från en studie där man ersatt vartannat fysiskt återbesök med virtuella besök.