“Data sharing across Europe – cultural implications on the European Health Data Space” Har passerat
Tisdag 18 maj 2021 15:30 - 17:00 3. Live (English)
Key-note speakers: Joaquim Cunha, Oliver Stenzel
Föreläsare: Joana Feijó
Talare: Luís Antunes, Luís Menezes, Peeter Ross
Paneldeltagare: Maria João Campos, Peter Villax
Spår: EU
15:30 The ScanBalt Declaration: “Towards a European Common Dataspace in Health in the Time of COVID 19“
How it starts, who is part of, main pillars and what have been done during 2020 with the German Presidency. Handover for the Portuguese Presidency.
- Keynote speaker:
- Oliver Stenzel, Director Network Research and Innovation of Novartis Germany
15:45 The Portuguese view on the European Common Dataspace in Health
- Keynote speaker:
- Joaquim Cunha, Executive Director of Health Cluster Portugal
- Case studies presentation:
- Maria João Campos, Tecnology Information System Director of University Hospital Centre São João
- Peter Villax, CEO of Mediceus
16:10 How can European countries, with diverse cultures, jointly implement the ECDS in Health
- Moderator:
- Oliver Stenzel, Director Network Research and Innovation of Novartis Germany.
- Participants:
- Peeter Ross, Professor at Tallinn University of Technology Estonia
- Luis Menezes, Regional Director Portugal, Latin America and Middle East of Unilabs
- Luís Antunes, Full Professor in the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
* Declaration concrete measures:
- The foundations must be laid for patients and healthy citizens to be able to declare (and also revoke) their consent to Europe-wide data use (research & care) at the lowest possible threshold. This includes educational and promotional efforts.
- All European citizens should retain control over their health data according to GDPR and be able to share them in a secure way with authorized partners.
- Patients should be able to consent to the Europe-wide use of their health data for research and development purposes and thus help researchers in academia and industry to develop more effective early-stage prevention strategies, more precise diagnosis options and more individualized therapies.
- The EU must extend its harmonization and interoperability efforts to data relevant to promote research, prevention and personalized care.
- The EU needs a clearing agency for digital health applications in the fields of infection diseases and control – under the umbrella of the ECDC
- To achieve faster digitization of hospitals incentive systems modelled on the US government's "meaningful use" program are recommended
- To overcome the deployment gap of digital health in Europe, the establishment of a biennial research-based EU-wide monitoring-report on best practice examples is recommendable.
Future Health and Social Care
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals
Patient/user organizations
Welfare development,
Patient centration
Patient safety
Government information
Joaquim Cunha Key-note speaker
Executive Director
Health Cluster Portugal
Joaquim Magalhães da Cunha, computer engineer (1982, University of Minho) dedicated significant part of his professional career to a company, he founded and has been its CEO: Caso - Consultores Associados de Organizações e Informática, Lda.
He was founder and member of the first board of MinhoDigital SA, a regional cluster expediency in the ICT sector.
From 2004 to 2006 he integrated the board of Pronefro – Produtos Nefrológicos, SA, a medical device company working on the haemodialysis sector.
Founder and board member of Nanologic, the first Portuguese company fully dedicated to the development and production of parts and tools for micro and nano technologies.
In the last years Joaquim Cunha had been deeply involved in the construction of the recently born Health Cluster Portugal.
Oliver Stenzel Key-note speaker
Director Research and Innovation Novartis Germany
ScanBalt MTÜ
Head Digital Working Group ScanBalt MTÜ
Joana Feijó FöreläsareUtställare
Business Development Manager
Health Cluster Portugal
Joana Feijó holds a degree in Microbiology from the
Catholic University, a master’s degree in Basic and
Molecular Biology and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from
ICBAS. Near 20 years of her professional career were spent
in the private sector working on business strategy, product
development and commercialization in the Healthcare
industry. From 2015-18 Joana has been developing a tech
start-up on the Tourism area aside with consultancy
projects on the Healthcare sector. Joana worked at
CRITICAL Group between 2009-2015, where she has
passed through different companies: from Critical Health
& Oncaring, through Critical Software and Coimbra
Genomics. Before joining CRITICAL, Joana has worked 3
years at ALERT Life Sciences Computing, as the Director of
Clinical Content and Functional Analysis Dept. During
those years, she has worked on the company
internationalization to the BR, USA, UK and NL markets.
Joana is now part of the Health Cluster Portugal (HCP)
Executive team as Business Development Director.
Luís Antunes Talare
Full Professor in the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
University of Oporto
Luís Menezes Talare
Regional Director Portugal, Latin America and Middle East at Unilabs
Luís Menezes joined Unilabs Portugal in February 2006 as M&A and New Business Director. In 2008, he took over the General Management of Unilabs Portugal and was appointed CEO of Unilabs Portugal in 2013. He was appointed Group Regional Director Portugal, Latin America, and the Middle East in October 2019. Luís started his career at JP Morgan Chase Bank in London. He is a former member of the Portuguese Parliament. Luis graduated in Economics from the Portuguese Catholic University, did an AMP at Insead and also studied at IESE Business School, Harvard Business School, IMD and MIT.
Peeter Ross Talare
Tallinn University of Technology Estonia
Dr. Peeter Ross, MD, PhD, is a professor of e-health and the head of eMedLab of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia. Peeter also holds a radiologist’s position in East Tallinn Central Hospital. He is the founder and board member of the e-health and radiology consulting company SMIS International OÜ, and the company SafeToAct OÜ, which develops and manufactures simulation phantoms for interventional radiology training. He is also a short-term consultant to The World Bank, Asian Development Bank and German Development Bank KfW. Dr. Ross has previously been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Estonian E-Health Foundation and Estonian Health Insurance Fund.
Maria João Campos Paneldeltagare
Tecnology Information System Director
University Hospital Center of São João
Between 2015 and the present she has been working at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário São João as Director of the Information and Communication Systems and Technologies Services and as Director of the Information Management Centre.
2015 Coordinated the SONHO hospital systems team in SPMS.
Between 2012 and 2015 was coordinator of the infrastructures of the Ministry of Health in SPMS.
She worked between 2008 and 2012 in the Central Administration of Health Services (ACSS) as technical manager of the Health Informatics Network. She worked between 1995 and 2008 in the Institute of Informatics and Financial Management of the Ministry of Health (IGIF) with functions in the engineering team in the networks area.
Master's degree in medical informatics in 2011 from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto and Degree in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications in 1994 from the University of Aveiro.
Peter Villax Paneldeltagare
Founder and CEO of Mediceus, a health data operator. Master of Arts degree in Politics and Economics from the University of Aberdeen. Inventor and patent author in the field of pulmonary inhalation.