EU new policies, research and innovation from 2021 in digital health initiatives. Har passerat
Tisdag 18 maj 2021 13:15 - 15:00 3. Live (English)
Föreläsare: Annemieke Ålenius, Ceri Thompson, David Lega
Moderatorer: Marie Sjölinder, Silas Olsson
Paneldeltagare: Anne Mette Bang, Annemieke Ålenius, Catharina Borgenstierna., Helena Hvitfeldt., Lars-Åke Johansson, Lennart Magnusson., Thomas Schneider
Spår: EU
EU, from 2021, has new policies, R&DI programmes and other initiatives in the area of eHealth & Digital Health. This offers a strategic possibility for health and care developers, researchers, innovators, care providers and users in Sweden, and internationally, to take advantage of the new possibilities and interact.
This session will inform about such new EU programmes and initiatives and in the Round Table discussion will take place about such new possibilities.
The session will start with three keynote presentations.
- David Lega, Member of the European Parliament, will give, from the EU political point of view, examples of initiatives that open-up for new areas of research, innovations and solutions in needed areas.
- Ceri Thomson, Deputy head of eHealth, well-being and ageing Unit, European Commission, will tell us about new EU initiatives in the context of Digital Transformation of Health and Care.
- Annemieke Ålenius, Head of Department, Swedish eHealth Agency, will inform about on-going national eHealth related work in an EU perspective.
The session, after the keynote presentations, will continue with a Round Table discussion. The Round Table team is representing a broad and expertise knowledge and experience in fields and functions such as national EU related initiatives, research, innovation, healthcare & care providers, idea-driven organizations, users, industry/SME companies, market & international competition,
The Round Table discussion will focus on the two following themes.
- How can Health, Healthcare and Care developers, Providers, Users and the Industry and Market benefit from the EU Digital Health programmes and initiatives?
- Considerations about further needed initiatives on EU/European level in the context of Digital Health - for the benefit of the users, healthcare and care organisations, industry and market.
The Panel discussion will be on-line. A chat function will be open för Q&A.
The EU eHealth session is arranged by Silas Olsson, HealthAccess, Sweden and Marie Sjölinder, RISE, Sweden, in cooperation with the network Aging2.0 Sweden
Future Health and Social Care
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Welfare development,
Government information
Annemieke Ålenius Föreläsare
Ceri Thompson Föreläsare
Deputy Head of Unit
European Commission
Ceri Thompson is Deputy Head of the eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing Unit in DG CNECT and works towards the digital transformation of health and care. Ceri has previous experience at Eurostat, and for DG SANTE in the Commission. Prior to joining the EU institutions, she worked on global health policy at the UK’s Department for International Development and for KPMG’s international healthcare practice, as well as on epidemiological research projects in the UK and Brazil. She studied Maths at Durham University, UK and then Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
David Lega Föreläsare
Member of the European Parliament
European Parliament
David Lega is a Swedish politician and a Member of the European Parliament since 2019. He is a Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Human Rights.
David began his Paralympian swimming career when he was 12 years old. During the course of his career, he proceeded to win several World Championship gold medals and received the ‘Triumph of the Human Spirit’ award during the Atlanta Paralympic Games 1996.
According to David, he had “the fortune of being born at the exact right time and place” to live a good life. This feeling sparked his commitment to give back to society, and has become something of a red thread in his political career.
Upon being elected as a Member of the European Parliament, David pledged to be the voice of the people who have the most difficulties in being heard. Therefore, he uses his platform in the European Parliament for this purpose, and has participated in numerous events to improve children’s rights. As co-Chair of the Intergroup for Children’s Rights, he intends to ensure that the perspective of children is integrated into legislative work and that all children’s voices are heard.
Marie Sjölinder Moderator
Senior Researcher
Marie Sjölinder is a senior researcher at RISE. She has a PhD in psychology with a focus on aging and the use of technology. Marie is managing national and international R&D projects within e-health and welfare technology.
Silas Olsson Moderator
General Manager
Silas Olsson (silas.olsson@healthaccess.eu)
Silas Olsson´s experiences include works in industries, with work on management positions in Swedish (Telia Research) and International (Philips Medical Systems) companies in the field of medical technology, diagnostic and medical therapy systems, Information and Communication Technology, eHealth and telemedicine related innovations and applications.
In addition, Silas Olsson experiences includes works in the Swedish Research Institutes Sector as Manager of International Cooperation, eHealth sector, at RISE SICS. RISE belongs to the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Sweden.
International works includes EU and European level Affairs (2001-2011 in Brussels) with works on administration and management of EU R&D and Innovation programs in the field of Health ICT, as Project Officer, European Commission; as Acting Director of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Program (AALJP); and, as Program Manager and Special Advisor, VINNOVA, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems.
Currently, Silas Olsson is working as advisor and consultant (HealthAccess) in the field of eHealth/digital health; for innovation in healthcare and care; EU research & innovation programs and projects; and International collaboration with special focus on challenges and opportunities in the area of Demographic Ageing.
Silas Olsson research background includes Health Services research and Health Technology Assessment.
Silas has published about 150 articles, reports and book chapters, in the fields of Health Services research, Health Technology Assessment, Telemedicine, eHealth, and Policy related work regarding ICT enabling solutions in the Health Sector. He has lectured in a substantial number of conferences and seminars in Europe, Asia and in the US.
Anne Mette Bang PaneldeltagareUtställare
CEO Danmark
Cambio Healthcare Systems AB
CEO, Cambio Healthcare Systems, Denmark
Annemieke Ålenius Paneldeltagare
Catharina Borgenstierna. Paneldeltagare
Camanio Care & Aging2.0 Sweden
VD för Camanio AB som erbjuder en plattform för digitala vård- och omsorgstjänster i hemmet samt Ambassadör i Sverige för det internationella nätverket Aging2.0. Med lång erfarenhet från den medicintekniska marknaden och internationellt arbete inom området har hon ett tvärprofessionellt perspektiv på utmaningar och möjligheter.
Helena Hvitfeldt. Paneldeltagare
Head of research, education and innovation
Tiohundra, Norrtälje
My background is within health informatics focusing on how to use data to understand and act upon challenges in health care and care. Related areas to this is how we use and implement new technologies as care privoders and together with patients and families.
Lars-Åke Johansson Paneldeltagare
Alkit Communications
Lars-Åke Johansson is CEO of Alkit Communications AB. He has been working for more then 25 years in the eHealth sector. The focus has been to develop new types of IT-services to support new types of healthcare and nursing concepts. Lars-Åke has been leading many national and international projects. He has also extensive experience of the digitalization of the automotive industry.
Lennart Magnusson. Paneldeltagare
Head of Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga - Nka
Region Kalmar län, Nka
I work with research, development and knowledge translation activities as director of the Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (Nka) and as Associate Professor at Linnaeus University. Over the course of the last 25 years, I have led and worked in a range of both national and EU-projects to research, co-design and implement support for Family Carers and their frail, older and/or disabled relative via the use of Information and Communication Technologies. A central element within this work, is the direct involvement of all stakeholders and a family perspective.
Thomas Schneider Paneldeltagare
Head of Developmenmt
Bräcke diakoni
Thomas Schneider is Chief Development Officer at Bräcke diakoni, one of the largest not-for-profit providers in Sweden, and adjunct lecturer at The Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University. He has a broad experience in quality improvement, leadership and innovation in healthcare and social services and he has been an expert in several national committees regarding quality, health policy and eHealth.