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Production Benchmarking | Epiroc Passed

Tuesday June 1, 2021 12:30 - 15:30 Automation | hosted by Boliden

Speaker: Olav Kvist
Moderator: Peter Burman

Theme: Automation

Production drilling is one of the most rewarding mining processes to automate. A production drill is usually stationary in a stope for several days under controllable conditions. Still the amount of miners using automation for production drilling is low. Epiroc as a leading OEM has decided to change this by benchmarking and demonstrating what good looks like to our customers, lowering the threshold. This talk will share some learnings on what you can achieve and some tips for the journey to improved productivity.


Profile image for Olav Kvist

Olav Kvist Speaker

Global Portfolio Manager Production Drilling
Epiroc AB

Olav’s academic profile is economics and process development. 15 years in the defense industry followed by the last 20+ years with Atlas Copco/Epiroc and automation of mining and construction machines. Highlights include project management developing the first autonomous loader as well as a surface crawler drill rig with a fully autonomous drill cycle. In the last years positions has included strategic automation planning and lately portfolio manager of production drilling underground.
Operational efficiency is one of Olav’s keen interests, why are customers not using the machines more?

Profile image for Peter Burman

Peter Burman Moderator

Program Manager Mine Automation
Boliden Mines Technology