DSI Underground Nordics AB Exhibitor
From providing commodities essential to modern life, to helping major cities expand underground mining is vital to human progress. As ground support specialists, we’re the people that make it all possible. By supplying you with key consumables like anchor systems and injection chemicals, we keep you advancing safely and efficiently into the earth.And by lending our experience and expertise to your teams, we keep you advancing intelligently and sustainably into the future. However deep or complex your operation, together, we move ever forward. DSI Underground. Reinforcing progress.
Contact information
+46 70 8922208
Hyvelgatan 15
931 36 Skellefteå
Federico Scolari Exhibitor
Technical Director Europe
DSI Underground Nordics AB
Gerhard Kahr Exhibitor
DSI Underground Nordics AB
Johan Persson Exhibitor
Nordic Countries Sales Manager
DSI Underground Nordics AB
Sabrina Keller Exhibitor
DSI Underground Nordics AB
David Sikku Exhibitor
Sales support
DSI Underground Nordics AB
Petri Hasa Exhibitor
Sales Support
DSI Underground Nordics AB