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Profile image for Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S Exhibitor

Klüber Lubrication provides tribological solutions for defined
market segments and applications worldwide by selling products developed and made by Klüber Lubrication directly to OEMs and operators. Our innovative lubricants and services are key for sustainable and cost efficient mining processes.

Contact information


+46(0)8 590 986 00


Vasagatan 36

11120 Stockholm



Profile image for Anna Taaler

Anna Taaler Exhibitor

Marketing Communications Nordic
Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Profile image for Patrik Ekström

Patrik Ekström Exhibitor

Sales Engineer
Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Profile image for Torsten Schwarz

Torsten Schwarz Exhibitor

Head of Sales Sweden
Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Profile image for Hannu Kananen

Hannu Kananen Exhibitor

Sales Engineer
Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Profile image for Håkan Marklund

Håkan Marklund Exhibitor

Sales Engineer
Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S