Holger Andreasen AB Exhibitor
Welcome to Holger Andreasen AB,Holger Andreasen AB has over 80 years of experience in the Swedish market. We offers you quality products for Materials Analysis, Non-Destructive Testing, Gamma Detection and Security,
We have our own service organization on all equipment we deliver and are certified according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015.
You are always welcome to visit or contact us!
Contact information
+46 19 670 81 00
Skvadronvägen 7A
702 27 Örebro
Liselott Granlund Exhibitor
Salesengineer Thermo Fisher XRF-instrument
Holger Andreasen AB
Salesengineer handheld XRF Phone; +46 (0)19 670 81 07 E-mail: l.granlund@holger.se
Mikael Öster Exhibitor
Salesengineer - Spectro and Herzog
Holger Andreasen AB
Salesengineer Spectro and Herzog Phone: +46 (0)19 670 81 13 E-mail: m.oster@holger.se