Registration, coffee, exhibitions and mingle
Thursday March 8, 2018 08:00 - 08:50 Exhibition area
Inauguration and welcome speech with representatives from the three founding organizations
Astrid Söderberg Widding, Christina Rudén, Karin Wanngård
Thursday March 8, 2018 09:00 - 09:30 Main Stage
Historical exposé over climate change
Ass. Prof. Nina Kirschner, Martin Jakobsson
Thursday March 8, 2018 09:30 - 10:00 Main Stage
Keynote presentation - Fathoming connections: Mapping the landscape of a thriving Baltic Sea
Prof. Kevin Noone
Thursday March 8, 2018 10:00 - 10:40 Main Stage
Coffee, exhibition and mingle
Thursday March 8, 2018 10:40 - 11:10 Exhibition area
showing #IamtheBaltic campaign by Coalition Clean Baltic
What leadership is needed for a safe climate future?
Stefan Nyström
Thursday March 8, 2018 11:10 - 11:30 Main Stage
Gotland – an island testbed for innovation
Meit Fohlin
Thursday March 8, 2018 11:30 - 11:50 Main Stage
Baltic Sea region vs world – are we as sustainable as we think?
Olof Gränström
Thursday March 8, 2018 11:50 - 12:05 Main Stage
Lunch, exhibitions and mingle
Thursday March 8, 2018 12:05 - 13:20 Exhibition area
Baltic 2030 Action Plan - the framework for the achievement of 2030 Agenda in the Baltic Sea Region
Krista Kampus
Thursday March 8, 2018 13:20 - 13:35 Main Stage
Connecting HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and Agenda2030
Asta Puodziuniene, Lotta Samuelson, Monika Stankiewicz, Ottilia Thoreson
Thursday March 8, 2018 13:35 - 14:30 Main Stage
Coffee, exhibition and mingle
Thursday March 8, 2018 14:30 - 15:00 Exhibition area
Climate change adaptation - Plenary session in cooperation with partner CBSS
Christian Kind, Elena Visnar-Malinovska, Gregor Vulturius, Lotta Andersson, Valdur Lahtvee
Thursday March 8, 2018 15:00 - 16:30 Main Stage
(Plenary session in cooperation with partner CBSS)(Moderator: Valdur Lathvee, CBSS Baltic 2030)
EU Climate Change Adaptation policy after Paris Agreement Ms. Elena Visnar-Malinovska, Head of Adaptation Unit DG CLIMA, EU Commission
Implementation of Baltic Sea Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan Ms. Valdur Lathvee (Baltic 2030 Unit CBSS) and Lotta Andersson (SMHI).
Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation - What works? Mr. Gregor Vulturius, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
Monitoring adaptation measures and climate resilience in German Cities Mr. Christian Kind, senior project Manager, ADELPHI
Coffee, exhibition and mingle and opportunity to visit Allt för Sjön-fair at Stockholmsmässan
Thursday March 8, 2018 16:30 - 17:10 Exhibition area
BSF workshop on climate change, agriculture and eutrophication
Airi Kulmala, Alena Bartosova, Eva Salomon, Gun Rudquist
Thursday March 8, 2018 17:10 - 18:40 T3
Day 1 - Vision of a sustainable Baltic Sea – Ambitious implementation cases - Parallel sessions and workshops
Climate change will and has already affected the Baltic Sea. The prognosis is that the sea will be less of a sea and more of a lake. The levels of salt will change. The temperature will rise and the run off from land increase.
Climate change will change the weather. In the Baltic Sea region the areas with high precipitation will get more rain and drier areas even less. In the wetter areas increased rain/snowfall risks increasing the run off from agricultural land giving higher amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous reaching the Baltic Sea and thereby increasing eutrophication.
How must agriculture adjust to avoid increased impact on eutrophication? What kind of agricultural systems will stand a better chance of reducing run off? Can necessary changes go hand in hand with other environmental or production benefits?
Baltic Sea ecosystems under changing climate
Andris Andrusaitis, Jonas Pålsson, Maciej Tomczak, Riikka Puntila-Dodd, Prof. Kevin Noone
Thursday March 8, 2018 17:10 - 18:40 T4
Day 1 - Vision of a sustainable Baltic Sea – Ambitious implementation cases - Parallel sessions and workshops
17.10 - 17.25 Dr. Andris Andusaitis, Programme Manager, BONUS EEIG
17.25 - 17.40 The fate of fish and fisheries at the Baltic Sea?Dr. Maciej Tomczak, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre -
17.40 - 17.55 Blue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food websDr. Riikka Puntila-Dodd, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
17.55 - 18.10 Climate refugia in Marine Spatial PlanningDr. Jonas Pålsson, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management -
18.10 - 18.40 Joint questions and discussions
Workshop: How can organizations best plan for climate change resilience?
Thursday March 8, 2018 17:10 - 18:40 T6
Day 1 - Vision of a sustainable Baltic Sea – Ambitious implementation cases - Parallel sessions and workshops
Developed by Baltic Sea Future in cooperation with partners the Nordic Association and CBSS and Quiddity. Interactive and innovative workshop with transdisciplinary and cross-sectorial group work around how organizations can work with climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. The workshop and the Baltic Sea Future app engages stakeholders before, during and after the congress, enabling broader networking and capacity building for you and your organization.
Dinner and mingle
Thursday March 8, 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Registration, coffee, exhibitions and mingle
Friday March 9, 2018 08:00 - 08:30 Exhibition area
Keynote: Choosing future pathways: climate stability or chaos?
Kevin Anderson
Friday March 9, 2018 08:30 - 09:15 Main Stage
Prof. Kevin Andersson, Uppsala University’s Zennström professor in Climate change leadership at the Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS) / Professor of Energy and Climate Change; University of Manchester / Deputy Director Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research