Care@Home – Accelerating the delivery of people-centered remote care Har passerat
Onsdag 18 maj 2022 14:30 - 15:00 A1
Föreläsare: Francis D'Silva
Spår: Införande / förändringsledning
Care@Home builds on C3's research on “Remote Care” and draws on the cross-sectoral profile of C3’s consortium partners and the potential for cross-disciplinary research that shapes new business models. Care@Home aligns with CGI’s own IP-offerings in healthcare; software products and professional services in technology and business services. Care@Home also aligns with other industries that are relevant for the consumer at home eg Energy-sector and Consumer Goods and Services (nutrition and well-being).
As a business concept, Care@Home identifies value-propositions for established enterprises and entrepreneurs and the complexity of roles of provider-supplier-retailer-manufacturer-regulator. In Care@Home, these solutions include those that are part of the home as well as solutions delivered by the accountable health institution e.g. a “home hospital” solution. Solutions in specialised settings e.g. emergency transport or off-grid installations may also be relevant for the Care@Home concept. Solutions for use in the workplace or in hospitals and health institutions are not a part of Care@Home.
Beyond the architecture, Care@Home advocates a design-driven evolutionary approach that includes experimentation as an integral part of the innovation to operations cycle. Through participation in C3, CGI is developing a practice-based method 3DOps (Triple-Diamond Operation) that combines practices in architecture and design, methods from software engineering and other engineering disciplines and operational processes. 3DOps covers the different stages of solution development: strategy, design, development and operations. As a challenge-driven approach, 3DOps encourages the use of labs, studios and sandboxes as enablers to engage with cross-disciplinary and dispersed teams. 3DOps is a structured approach towards managing the complex interplay of designing products, services, practices, regulations, applications and the supporting digital and physical infrastructures.
The method and techniques are constantly evolving based on project work and research findings. 3DOps is used for startups, established businesses and innovation clusters mainly in health and government.
C3 has an 8-year lifetime 2015-2023. The speaker is responsible for the concluding activities including knowledge management and dissemination.
Future Health and Social Care
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR
Patient centration
Francis D'Silva FöreläsareUtställare
CGI Sverige AB
I am a strategy consultant in information systems with a good understanding of the Nordic health systems and public service agencies in Human Services (welfare services). My areas of work and interest are in the design of business ecosystems and how technology platforms and information infrastructures enable organizations collaborate across boundaries; industry, discipline and jurisdiction. I have participated in the design and implementation of some of Norway's public information infrastructures in health and public service.
In CGI, I advise clients and work with CGI teams in my role as Industry lead for Health & Life Sciences in Scandinavia.
I hold an M.Sc degree (Maths, 1984) and certificates in Computing (1986) and Org. psychology (1998). I am currently pursuing a masters degree in systems-oriented design (2023).