National Digital Services in Social & Healthcare before and during COVID-19, case Finland Har passerat
Onsdag 18 maj 2022 09:30 - 10:00 A1
Föreläsare: Risto Kaikkonen, Vesa Jormanainen
Spår: Införande / förändringsledning
National Digital Services in Social & Healthcare before and during COVID-19, case Finland.
National architecture before: Patient Archieve with KanTa services, Secondary use of S&H data, National Digital Service Spearheads: eg. Omaolo, Terveyskylä.
National architecture maturation during COVID-19: Public & Private Partenerships (P&P&P), Koronavilkku (COVID-19) tracing app, Symptomassessment triage-level digital tools (MDR, CE-marked) with booking possibilities, Passport validation apps etc.
Exporting the knowledge by positive examples in P&P&P from Finland to Sweden.
Future Health and Social Care
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Actual examples (good/bad)
Welfare development,
Law, Judicial procedures
Government information
Risto Kaikkonen FöreläsareUtställare
Director, Solita Health
Solita AB
Risto Kaikkonen is experinced in Public sector reforms and private sector new business in the field of Health and Wellbeing. Today he works as a Director of Health and Wellbeing division in Solita Oy. Solita a digital transformation company driven by data and human insight.
Risto has great knowledge of the Finnish Social & Healthcare architecture and national level dataresources and metadata: Surveys, Registries, Biobanks and other datasets. He also has experience with Finland’s concrete steps to make Covid-19 digital solution possible and healthcare data accessible in close co-operation with the key data authorities. During the past 20 years he has also been leading major digital transformation programs and participating policyboards and steering groups in several big projects in Finland and in Europe. Risto has also published papers creating new algorithms especially in the field of work ability. His hobby on spare time is to coach football and teach in University of Helsinki.
Vesa Jormanainen Föreläsare
Senior Ministerial Advisor, Medical Affairs
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
MD, MSc, Specialist in Public Health Medicine. Current position is Senior Ministerial Advisor, Medical Affairs in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland at Service System Unit since 2021. Previously he worked in the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) as Chief Specialist at Performance Assessment of the Health and Social Service System. In addition, he worked in the THL as Director of Operational Management to make real large-scale implementation and adoption of the national Kanta ICT services for social welfare and healthcare services in Finland in 2010–2017. He also has experience in concept building and directing medical technology assessment at the Finnish Medicines Agency in 2009–2010. He has international working experience from major pharmaceutical companies in health economics, outcomes research and pricing as team manager. Previously he was in Board of Directors at the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL, Brussels, Belgium). Currently he is the Chairman of the Finnish Association of Public Health Medicine and Board Member at the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth.