Huvudbild för Vitalis 2022


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Produktgrupper med inriktning mot


Profilbild för Autonik AB

Autonik AB Utställare

wwLab, Decision support, Information transmission, Other, wwLab, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Aurora Innovation AB

Aurora Innovation AB Utställare

Aurora teleQ, Telemedicine, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Atea Sverige AB

Atea Sverige AB Utställare

Rätt medicin i rätt tid med..., Egenmonitorering, vi flyttar..., 300 miljoner signeringar är en..., Fik@rummet en webbplattform..., Information transmission, Public services, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Other, Atea Äldreomsorg, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Ascom (Sweden) AB

Ascom (Sweden) AB Utställare

Seminarium - Fallprevention, Seminarium - Infusionspumpar, Seminarium - Automatisering av..., Seminarium - Hälsologistik,..., Seminarium - Att vårda i..., Staff Collaboration, Medical Device Management, Huvudkonferens: Jenny Arnesson..., Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Other, Clinical Communication & Collaboration, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för Appva

Appva Utställare

Appva MCSS, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Appva MCSS, Municipal council, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Alteri Care AB

Alteri Care AB Utställare

Information transmission, Public services, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Alteri Care AB, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för AIRBUS

AIRBUS Utställare

Lösningar för effektiv..., Airbus TETRA Rakelmobiler, Tactilon Dabat, Reliable solutions for..., 11 ways group communication..., Information transmission, Security, Monitoring system, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Adusso

Adusso Utställare

Decision support, Patient record management, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Adusso UX monitoring, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Access Duo

Access Duo Utställare

Mobile organisational tools, Security, Welfare technology, Other, Access Duo, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för 9Solutions AB

9Solutions AB Utställare

Information transmission, Security, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Trygghetslarm för särskilt boende, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers