Huvudbild för Vitalis 2022


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Produktgrupper med inriktning mot


DoNet AB Utställare


Profilbild för Doctrin

Doctrin Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Doctrin AB, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för DNV Imatis AS

DNV Imatis AS Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, DNV Imatis, Municipal council, Public authority , State

Dignio AS Utställare


Detectivio AB Utställare


Profilbild för Dedalus Sweden AB

Dedalus Sweden AB Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Dedalus, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Cuviva AB

Cuviva AB Utställare

Decision support, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Curest AB

Curest AB Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Telemedicine, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Fysioterapi på distans, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för CSAM Health Group AS

CSAM Health Group AS Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Cross Technology Solutions AB

Cross Technology Solutions AB Utställare

LifePod, Decision support, Information transmission, Telemedicine, Welfare technology, LifePod, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för ControlUp GmbH

ControlUp GmbH Utställare

ControlUp Real- Digital..., Manage the digital employee..., Proactive Synthetic Monitoring..., Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, ControlUp-Empowering IT Teams to make work from anywhere better, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för CompuGroup Medical Sweden AB

CompuGroup Medical Sweden AB Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Compodium International AB

Compodium International AB Utställare

Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Other, Other

Profilbild för Collabodoc AB

Collabodoc AB Utställare

Collabodoc..., Collabodoc Sjukskrivning, Collabodoc Digital kontakt, Collabodoc Vaccination, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för Coala-Life AB

Coala-Life AB Utställare

Decision support, Telemedicine, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Coala Heart Monitor, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Citrix

Citrix Utställare

Video: Citrix i svensk..., Video: Citrix i Svensk..., Webinar: Produktivitet,..., Webinar: Skapa mer tid för..., Blogg: Så ska IT möta de allt..., Arrow deltager med Citrix, Information transmission, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Welfare technology, Other, Citrix, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Checkware AB

Checkware AB Utställare

Decision support, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, CheckWare , Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för CGI Sverige AB

CGI Sverige AB Utställare

Vi rullar ut röda mattan -..., Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Other, CGI , Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Care To Translate AB

Care To Translate AB Utställare

Care to Translate för sjukhus..., Care to Translate för..., Medicinska översättningar, Information transmission, Public services, Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, Care to Translate, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för CareLigo AB

CareLigo AB Utställare

OPTILOGG, Decision support, Information transmission, Drug management, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, OPTILOGG, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för CardioSignal

CardioSignal Utställare

Welfare technology, Monitoring system, CardioSignal, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Carasent ASA

Carasent ASA Utställare

Webdoc, Vårdrummet, Metodika, Medrave M4, Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Care and treatment documentation, Webdoc, Vårdrummet, Medrave M4, Metodika EPM, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Capio Go AB

Capio Go AB Utställare

Capio Hemma, Telemedicine, Capio Hemma, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Capgemini Sverige AB

Capgemini Sverige AB Utställare

Vi möjliggör snabbare..., Capgemini Care , ADA - Artificial Data..., Förutspå vårdtid - Förstudie..., Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Cambio

Cambio Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, COSMIC Journalsystem, VIVA Verksamhetssystem, CIS Anestesi- och intensivvårdsjournal, CDS Beslutsstöd, CDC Device connectivity, MittVaccin Journal, Appen MittVaccin, Appen Min hälsa, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Camanio AB

Camanio AB Utställare

Camanio Health, Camanio Care, Camanio Hemma, Camanio Mödravård, Camanio IBD Home, Decision support, Information transmission, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Camanio, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Bulbera Ltd

Bulbera Ltd Utställare

Software solutions for..., Information transmission, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för BRG Business Region Göteborg AB

BRG Business Region Göteborg AB Utställare

Welfare technology, Other, Municipal council

Profilbild för BordaTex AB

BordaTex AB Utställare

Opportunities and challenges..., Asset Inventory Management, Solution demo - Asset..., Asset Utilization, Asset Safety, Location-Aware Work Demand..., Case study: Ankara City..., Book a live demo, Decision support, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, IoT for Healthcare, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för Blackwell Medtech AB

Blackwell Medtech AB Utställare

ALMA, Decision support, Patient record management, Other, ALMA, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Biti Innovations AB

Biti Innovations AB Utställare

Lingon, Information transmission, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Lingon, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för BGO Software OOD

BGO Software OOD Utställare

Clinicubes CTMS, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Other, Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för BCB Medical  Oy

BCB Medical Oy Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Baxter-Hillrom

Baxter-Hillrom Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Other, ehälsa och digital transformation, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för B3 Health

B3 Health Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Axel Health AB

Axel Health AB Utställare

Axel Planner, Axel Encounter, Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Other, Encounter & Planner, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other