Huvudbild för Vitalis 2022


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Produktgrupper med inriktning mot


Profilbild för IT Hälsa

IT Hälsa Utställare

Other, Media / IT Nyheter, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för itACiH AB

itACiH AB Utställare

itACiH Distansmonitorering, itACiH Mobilt stöd, itACiH Verksamhetsstöd, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, itACiH, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för InterSystems AB Sweden

InterSystems AB Sweden Utställare

InterSystems IRIS for Health , InterSystems HealthShare, Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Drug management, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, InterSystems IRIS for Health, InterSystems HealthShare, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Insightgap Psychology AB

Insightgap Psychology AB Utställare

Public services, Mobile organisational tools, Other, Insightgap, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för InfoSolutions Sverige AB

InfoSolutions Sverige AB Utställare

Connect, Lab2Lab, LabPortalen, KonsultationsRemiss, Keyfo, Information transmission, Patient record management, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Infiniti Medical AB

Infiniti Medical AB Utställare

Biobeat..., Biobeat tilldelas första pris..., Telemedicine, Monitoring system, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Inera AB

Inera AB Utställare

Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Inera AB, State

Profilbild för Imaginecare AB

Imaginecare AB Utställare

Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, ImagineCare, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för ICURA ApS

ICURA ApS Utställare

Icura Activity, Icura Trainer, Telemedicine, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Icura Trainer, Icura Activity, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för HigoSense Sp. z o.o.

HigoSense Sp. z o.o. Utställare

Higo® Pro and Higo® Family , Telemedicine, Higo, Private healthcare providers, Other

Profilbild för HealthTech Nordic

HealthTech Nordic Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Health Solutions

Health Solutions Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Other

Profilbild för Health Data Centre

Health Data Centre Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Healo

Healo Utställare

Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Healo, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Habbie

Habbie Utställare

Habbie, Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, Other, Habbie, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, Other

Gynius Plus AB Utställare


Profilbild för Goesart AB

Goesart AB Utställare

Welfare technology, Välkommen hem till GoesArt! , Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Gnosco AB

Gnosco AB Utställare

Dermicus, Decision support, Telemedicine, Gnosco / Dermicus, Other

Profilbild för Glesys Internet Services AB

Glesys Internet Services AB Utställare

Molntjänster, Information transmission, Security, GleSYS AB, Other

Profilbild för Getinge Sverige AB

Getinge Sverige AB Utställare

Digitalt vårdflöde med INSIGHT..., Torin..., Sterilgodshantering med T-DOC, Decision support, Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Geras Solutions AB

Geras Solutions AB Utställare

Open stage onsdag 18/5, Finalist till Healthtech award..., Vi möjliggör framtidens...,, Decision support, Mobile organisational tools, Digitalt stöd för demensutredning, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB

Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB Utställare

Journaltjänster, Digital fax, Bemanning , Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Telemedicine, Monitoring system, Edison Plattform, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Garmin Health

Garmin Health Utställare

Information transmission, Patient record management, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Other, Garmin Health, Other

Profilbild för Frontwalker Group AB

Frontwalker Group AB Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Frontwalker - Systemutveckling, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Foxway Education AB

Foxway Education AB Utställare

Seniorers digitala..., Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, Distributör av hårdvara inom vård och omsorg, Municipal council

Profilbild för Flexeurope AB

Flexeurope AB Utställare

Information transmission, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Care and treatment documentation, Other, flexite, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Fass

Fass Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Patient record management, Drug management, Mobile organisational tools, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Welfare technology, Other, Fass - digital portal för läkemedelsinformation, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Evondos AB

Evondos AB Utställare

Drug management, Telemedicine, Welfare technology, Evondos läkemedelsrobot, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Everdrone AB

Everdrone AB Utställare

Public services, Welfare technology, Other, EVERDRONE EMADE AED SYSTEM, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Ensolution AB

Ensolution AB Utställare

Kuben, Mobile organisational tools, Welfare technology, Ensolution, Municipal council, Private healthcare providers

Profilbild för Elastisys AB

Elastisys AB Utställare

Elastisys Kubernetes Platform..., Security, Welfare technology, Other

Profilbild för E-hälsomyndigheten

E-hälsomyndigheten Utställare

Decision support, Information transmission, Public services, Drug management, Security, Welfare technology, State

EHiN Utställare


Profilbild för Dynamic Code AB

Dynamic Code AB Utställare

Självprovtagningskit för..., Självprovtagningskit för..., Självprovtagningskit för fyra..., Självprovtagningskit för..., Decision support, Public services, Welfare technology, Other, Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State, Other

Profilbild för Dräger Sverige AB

Dräger Sverige AB Utställare

Dräger Discover , Hospital Capacity Board , Dräger Alarm Management..., Data Analytics , Decision support, Patient record management, Mobile organisational tools, Security, Telemedicine, Care and treatment documentation, Monitoring system, Digital Solutions in modern Health Care , Municipal council, Public authority , Private healthcare providers, State

Profilbild för Dossier Solutions

Dossier Solutions Utställare

, Decision support, Welfare technology, Monitoring system, Dossier Solutions, Private healthcare providers