What do employers and employees do to increase knowledge and strengthen commitment to ensuring inclusive workplaces? Passed
Monday August 16, 2021 14:00 - 14:30 GREEN room
Partner: Unionen
Moderator: Aleksa Lundberg
Panelists: Magnus Höij, Peo Grimheden
(This event is held in Swedish with English subtitle)
We have a bad environment at our workplace with harsh language – how can we change it? How can we promote rights issues in the workday? How are we to achieve a working life where acceptance, inclusion and openness not only characterise the work environment but also constitute hygiene factors for all workplaces? Participant: Peo Grimheden, Branch Negotiation Officer Unionen
Aleksa Lundberg Moderator
Magnus Höij Panelist
Magnus Höij - Director of the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies
Peo Grimheden Panelist
Peo Grimheden - Branch Negotiation Officer Unionen