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Plastic waste streams - challenges and potential solutions for improved circularity Passed

Thursday September 28, 2023 11:35 - 12:00 CEST

Presenter: Klaus Wohnig (Managing Partner Atmedio GmbH)

The plastics circular economy is a model for a closed system that promotes the reuse of plastic products, generates value from waste and avoids sending recoverable plastics to landfill. Plastic waste is a valuable resource that can be used to produce new plastic raw materials and manufacture plastic parts and products, or to generate energy when recycling is not viable. Currently, the plastics industry is researching alternatives to replace fossil sources with renewable ressources and carbon dioxide (CO2 ). New thinking all along the value chain – from product design to recycling – focuses on converting more waste into recyclates, maximising resource efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Profile image for Klaus Wohnig

Klaus Wohnig Presenter

Managing Partner Atmedio GmbH