Closing the gap between clinical conversation and documentation - the journey to Ambient Clinical Intelligence Har passerat
Onsdag 26 augusti 2020 15:30 - 16:00 Spetsteknik för hälsa, vård och omsorg
Föreläsare: Simon Wallace
Clinic Room of the Future - For decades, doctors have been turning away from their patients, consumed by their computer screen and the need to search for and enter key clinical knowledge. Now Nuance’s AI powered speech technologies, supported by deep learning and advances in AI, are helping the doctor to turn the chair back around and engage better with the patient. As part of a sophisticated AI speech powered backbone, the accuracy and quality of speech recognition is now at ‘industrial strength’ and the subsequent ability to automate some of the clinical and administrative tasks that burden clinicians today is now being realised.
By harnessing clinical language understanding, clinicians can improve the quality of a clinical term, consider possible missed diagnoses, access knowledge databases and code their clinical terms at the point of care (coding on the fly). AI powered speech driven Virtual assistants can remove the ‘clicks’ from the EHR workflow and speed up access to clinical information.
Combine these tools together and the future vision of healthcare can be realised. Called Ambient Clinical Intelligence (ACI), it listens securely to clinician patient conversations and complements the EHR by providing assisted workflows, task and knowledge automation. The desktop computer is replaced with a purpose built healthcare device with a multimicrophone and sensor array with proactive virtual assistants to help navigate around the EHR. Voice biometrics is used to sign in to the EHR (My voice is my password) and during the consultation identifies and distinguishes each person speaking. The whole conversation between the doctor and the patient is diarised with clinical language understanding highlighting the key points and creating a structured summary note, just as the clinician would do today.
Clinical terms are accurately coded with the note signed off using voice. Typing, excessive clicks and hunching over the computer is a thing of the past. Patients will feel more engaged with their physician, who they can have uninterrupted consultations with, and ACI will help alleviate the burnout care teams experience from the extra time spent documenting visits, navigating patient electronic records, and following up on documentation details. The solution called DAX™ - Dragon Ambient eXperience™ is available in the US.
Spetsteknik för hälsa, vård och omsorg
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Simon Wallace Föreläsare
Chief Clinical Information Officer
Nuance Communications Ltd
Dr Simon Wallace is the Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) of Nuance’s Healthcare division in the UK and Ireland. Simon has worked as a GP, hospital and public health doctor in Brighton and London. His interest in health informatics began in the 90s when he spent a year at the King's Fund investigating the impact of the internet on shared decision making between patients and their healthcare professional. For the past 15 years, he has worked for a range of organisations including Bupa, Dr Foster, Cerner Corporation and GSK across a range of technologies which include electronic patient records, telemedicine, mobile health and lifestyle devices. Simon has a keen interest in the voluntary sector, recently completing a 7 year term as a Trustee for Fitzrovia Youth in Action, a children and young people’s charity based in London.