How does Ramsay Santé undetake healthcare innovation and who benefits from this? Har passerat
Onsdag 26 augusti 2020 11:00 - 12:00 Utblick - Policy
Key-note speaker: Towa Jexmark
Ramsay Santé is Europe's 2nd largest private healthcare provider with operations in France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy and Germany. The business areas are predominantly primary- and secondary health care services and specialist healthcare. Ramsay Santé is facing contextual factors driving change in the healthcare and must adapt to stay relevant as a provider of healthcare. These factors are amongst others: - an ageing demographic and increasing number of chronic diseases and other age-related healthcare demands. - healthcare workers are increasingly discouraged, due to the ever-increasing workloads and other factors - Europe currently has a deficit of healthcare staff, which is expected to grow in the coming years. We cannot increase the budget and increase staff levels to solve the demand gap. - consumers and patient alike are increasingly health-conscious and empowered, when choosing their healthcare services and levels of care - technology and data processing capabilities are opening new avenues of healthcare services, that will compete with (or replace) exiting traditional offerings In light of the strategic context, the CEO for Ramsay Santé, Pascal Roché, decided in 2019 to create the Ramsay Santé Innovation Hub (IH), with the purpose of driving disruptive innovation for the Group and discovering new services and business opportunities with a European or Global potential. One specific avenue for trialing new innovation healthcare services and use cases is in France under the so called Article 51 in the French health care legislation. Ramsay Santé has done and plans to introduce several innovative new health care services. Article 51 embodies the French government’s objective to promote structural innovation in the healthcare sector. It opens up new and promising possibilities. The aim is to experiment with innovative structures and financing structures that break down the existing care silos in the French health care system. It aims to encourage cooperation between the different stakeholders, private and public. If experimental new projects have clear benefits it is possible to deviate from certain funding and organisational rules. In order not to put any brake on innovation, pilot projects may be proposed by all actors in the health sector, without any restrictions.
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