Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2016


Swedish Forum for Human Rights 2016

Below are the program for the longer seminars as well as the mini-seminars during the Swedish Forum for Human Rights 2016. Click on More search options below and check the box English to see the part of the program that is in English. Click on the title of the seminar for a short description, under More information you can get a longer description and a presentation of the participants.

To attend the longer seminars during the Forum you need a ticket. When you have registered and log in you can favour the seminars that you find extra interesting, add them to your calendar and network with other participants.

For the program on November 19th and the mini-seminiars no ticket is needed.

If you have questions please contact info@mrdagarna.se or call +46(0)8-12 15 00 52

Please note that the program is preliminary and changes may occur. 





Sign language interpretation



Kräver biljett

57. Vad kan en samisk sanningskommission bidra med?

Peter Johansson, Institutionen för globala studier, Göteborgs universitet, Isak Utsi, ordförande Sáminuorra, Johannes Marainen, fd samepolitiker och fd ordförande för Samiska rådet i Svenska kyrkan, Josefina Lundgren Skerk, vice styrelseordförande Sametinget, Kristina Sehlin MacNeil, Vaartoe/CeSam, Umeå universitet
Friday November 18, 2016 10:30 - 12:00 Live 2
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet, Vaartoe/CeSam, Umeå universitet