Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2016


Swedish Forum for Human Rights 2016

Below are the program for the longer seminars as well as the mini-seminars during the Swedish Forum for Human Rights 2016. Click on More search options below and check the box English to see the part of the program that is in English. Click on the title of the seminar for a short description, under More information you can get a longer description and a presentation of the participants.

To attend the longer seminars during the Forum you need a ticket. When you have registered and log in you can favour the seminars that you find extra interesting, add them to your calendar and network with other participants.

For the program on November 19th and the mini-seminiars no ticket is needed.

If you have questions please contact info@mrdagarna.se or call +46(0)8-12 15 00 52

Please note that the program is preliminary and changes may occur. 





Sign language interpretation



Kräver biljett

Dates Saturday November 19, 2016

92. Militarism from a feminist perspective

Cynthia Enloe, Professor of Political Science at Clark University, Lina Hjärtström, ordförande för IKFF Malmö/Lund , Hana Al-Khamri, Founder of the Yemen Salon NGOs in Sweden, a venue on Yemen's political and cultural issues, Malin Nilsson, Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för Fred och Frihet (IKFF)
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 High Live 1
IKFF, Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna

93. Afrofobi, migration och politik. Vem bryr sig om svarta kroppar?

Momodou Malcolm Jallow, Afrosvenskarnas Forum för Rättvisa, Fatuma Awil, Afrosvenskarnas Forum för Rättvisa, Hamza Ibrahim, Ensamkommande Förbund, Jasmin Nur Ismail, Malmös Unga Muslimer, Kitimbwa Sabuni, Afrosvenskarnas Riksförbund, Marcus Mckinley, Afrosvenskarnas Forum för Rättvisa, Rukiya Ismail, Afrosvenskarnas Forum för Rättvisa
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 High Live 2
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Afrosvenskarnas Forum för Rättvisa

94. Extract companies and accountability for human rights violations

, Anna Wigenmark, Föreningen Ordfront, James Ninrew, representative from victim’s organization in South Sudan, Janne Flyghed, Stockholms universitet
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 High Live 3
Föreningen Ordfront, Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna

95. En plats att kalla hemma - om barns rätt till en bostad

Ebba Hermelin, Hammarkullenskolan Göteborg, Tony Haddou, Rädda barnen, Tove Samzelius, Rädda barnen
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 High Live 4
Economic, social and cultural rights, Rädda Barnen

102. Dangerous ideas – freedom of expression and the right to culture

Issa Touma, artist and gallerist, Jude Dibia, writer and novelist, Naimeh Doostdar Sanaye, journalist and writer, Ramy Essam, musician
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Kuben
Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna

96. Youth, gender and sexuality activism in Kyrgyzstan

Gustaf Sörnmo, Centralasiengrupperna, Nazik Abylgazieva, Labrys, Saadat Baigazieva, Bishkek Feminist Initiatives, Ukei Muratalieva, Nazik Kyz organization of young women with disabilities
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 1
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Centralasiengrupperna

Profile image for 97. Pornland – film och samtal

97. Pornland – film och samtal

Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 2
Economic, social and cultural rights, Riksorganisationen för kvinnojourer och tjejjourer i Sverige, Roks

98. På flykt - från Sverige till trygghet

Julia Kjällquist, Röda Korsets Ungdomsförbund
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 3
The right to seek asylum, Röda Korsets Ungdomsförbund

99. Money talks, Human Rights walks?

Hilde Selander, Medverkande från filmen Solmaz Soossan-Z, Parvin Ardalan, kvinnorättsaktivist
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 4+5
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Imagenes del Sur/Bilder från Söder

100. Träna civilkurage! Hur kan vi bli rättighetsskapare?

Frida Ekerlund, civilkuragetränare, Jens Molander, civilkuragetränare
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 6+7
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Vardagens civilkurage

101. Workshop om Mångfald med konstnären Lejla Porovic

Lejla Porovic
Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Live 8
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Ibn Rushd studieförbund

Situationen som anställningslös

Saturday November 19, 2016 10:00 - 10:30 Stora Scen
Human rights in practice – from words to action, Economic, social and cultural rights, Anställningslösa i Förening, AiF