44. The Promise of the Declaration of Rights in the Constitution of Zimbabwe: Challenges and Opportunities Har passerat
Fredag 18 november 2016 09:00 - 10:00 High Live 3
Moderator: Dr. Alejandro Fuentes, Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Paneldeltagare: Dr. Admark Moyo, Law Lecturer, Great Zimbabwe University , Dr. Tarisai Mutangi, Law Lecturer, Midlands State University , Mr. Farai Chiweshe, Human Rights Consultant, Mr. Okay Machisa (tbc), Executive Director, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, Ms. Nosimilo Chanayiwa
Kategori: Mänskliga rättigheter i praktiken
The 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution offers great promises to both citizens and foreign nationals who live within the country's territorial borders. These promises range from an almost exhaustive list of enforceable fundamental rights, including economic, social and cultural rights, to the creation of a number of independent and state institutions supporting democracy (i.e. the Human Rights Commission, the Gender Commission and the Anti-corruption Commission). However, amid these promises lie challenges. The people's enjoyment of the promises of the Declaration of Rights will mainly depend on multiple factors, including the presence of a vibrant civil society, empowered citizenry and an accountable government that is politically willing to translate the promises into reality. In this panel, Zimbabwean academics and professionals, with a moderator from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, will discuss the promises, challenges and opportunities in this regard.
Kräver biljett
Dr. Alejandro Fuentes, Raoul Wallenberg Institute Moderator
Dr. Admark Moyo, Law Lecturer, Great Zimbabwe University Paneldeltagare
Dr. Tarisai Mutangi, Law Lecturer, Midlands State University Paneldeltagare
Mr. Farai Chiweshe, Human Rights Consultant Paneldeltagare
Mr. Okay Machisa (tbc), Executive Director, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association Paneldeltagare
Ms. Nosimilo Chanayiwa Paneldeltagare