Skellefteå Kommun Exhibitor
Västerbotten is one of the most mineral-rich mining regions in the world and the Skellefteå area is a hub of skills-intensive operations.Sweden is Europe’s largest producer of iron ore and the second-largest producer of silver, gold and zinc, with a significant chunk originating from the Skellefteå region, where new mines are opened almost every year.
The discovery of gold in Boliden meant a large industrial explosion in the municipality and talk of a “Sweden’s Klondyke”. The Rönnskär smelter was commissioned in 1930 and was adapted to the ore’s properties (including its high arsenic content) and meant another major industrial establishment. Today, Rönnskär is one of the world’s most environmentally friendly and efficient smelters and also specializes in recycling metal scrap. Rönnskärsverken is still the largest industrial workplace in Skellefteå municipality. Another leading player is Bergteamet AB.
“In Skellefteå, more money is being invested per capita than any other city in Sweden. By 2030, at least SEK 60 billion will flood into the private and public sectors. We’re also seeing major investments along the entire Norrland coast. The Västerbotten Chamber of Commerce estimates that over the next 20 years, about SEK 300 billion will be invested.
Contact information
Anja Palm Exhibitor
Business Development Manager
Skellefteå Kommun
Peter Karlstén Exhibitor
Skellefteå Kommun
Roland Eriksson Exhibitor
Enterprise Development and Customer service
Skellefteå Kommun
Ronny Persson Exhibitor
Enterprise Development and Business Attraction
Skellefteå Kommun