Header image for Nobel Week Dialogue 2019

Nobel Week Dialogue 2019

Into the unknown: Uncertainty, risk and opportunity

Registration for Into the unknown, Nobel Week Dialogue is now closed.

Due to the huge interest in ‘Into the Unknown’, the 2019 Nobel Week Dialogue, the venue is now full to capacity and the registration has closed

If you have any questions, please contact: 


Thank you! 


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We can never know everything; all of our choices have elements of the unknown. As individuals and as a society we face many risks and uncertainties, but these can also be turned into opportunities. Indeed, embracing these uncertainties may often lead us to better decision-making.

The 2019 Nobel Week Dialogue will discuss how we deal with what we do not know and accept that there are things we cannot know. Our speakers and guests will tackle fundamental questions about how uncertainty and risk affect our society, our culture and our daily lives: How do we evaluate risk? How do we live with uncertainty? What are the biggest risks facing society?

Join Nobel Laureates and other experts for a day of discussions on risk, uncertainty and opportunity.


Registration closed

The event has passed.

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Monday 9 December, 2019, 10:00 - 16:00

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Svenska Mässan
Mässans gata 8
412 94 Gothenburg

Click below to view the exhibitor list for Nobel Week Dialogue 2019.

Exhibitor list